Saturday, 17 September 2016

عِلْمُ الصَّرْف (Arabic Morphology) - Lesson: 3 - Active Past Tense (اَلْفِعْل اَلْمَاضِی اَلْمَعْروف)

بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم

Past tense describe actions or events that are already occurred. In Arabic, the formation of a verb is called seegah "صیغۃ" and is based on:

Number + Gender + Person = Seegah

  • Number denotes the number of persons. In English we use term Singular and Plural, but in Arabic number are of three types: Singular, Dual, Plural.
  • Gender can be: Masculine, Feminine.
  • Person can be:
  1. 1st Person: I, Me, We
  2. 2nd Person: You
  3. 3rd Person: He, She, It, They
Active voice is when the doer/subject is present. For eg. ضَرَبَ زَیْدٌ (Zayd hit). In this the subject is present and it's Zayd.
The pattern "فَعَلَ" will be used as a model for the past tense verb.There are 14 paradigm:

(Click to enlarge)

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