Thursday, 19 January 2017

عِلْمُ الصَّرْف (Arabic Morphology) - Lesson: 5 - Present Tense Verb (اَلْفِعْل اَلْمُضَارِع) & Future Tense Verb (اَلْفِعْل اَلْمُسْتَقْبَل)

بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم

Present Tense Verb:
It describe actions or events that are ongoing. It is prefixed with ya, ta, nun, or hamzah.
Placing the word "لَا" before both active and passive voice of present tense negates it.
Active voice can be changed to passive by changing the voweling of the first letter to a dhammah ُ  and second to last letter to a fathah َ .
Based on our pattern فَعَلَ, its active voice of present tense will be يَفْعَلُ (he does) and passive voice will be يُفْعَلُ (it is being done).
(click to enlarge image)

Future Tense Verb:
Present tense verb may also describe future event or action. So, يَفْعَلُ can also be translated as "he will do".
To explicitly indicate active future tense, prefix it with "س" and to explicitly indicate passive future tense, prefix it with "سَوْفَ". For eg. سَيَفْعَلُ and سَوْفَ يَفْعَلُ both are translated as "he will do".
(click to enlarge image)
Note: You must memorize all these 14 paradigm.

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